Kern, Holger L. and Georg Vanberg. Forthcoming. "Transitional justice and the rule of law: Tainted judges and accountability for Nazi crimes in West Germany." Journal of Politics.
Beazer, Quintin H., Charles D. Crabtree, Christopher J. Fariss, and Holger L. Kern. 2022. "When do private actors engage in censorship? Evidence from a correspondence experiment with Russian private media firms." British Journal of Political Science 52 (4): 1790-1809.
Pfaff, Steven, Charles Crabtree, Holger L. Kern, and John B. Holbein. 2021. "Do street-level bureaucrats discriminate based on religion? A large-scale correspondence experiment among American public school principals." Public Administration Review 81 (2): 244-259.
Crabtree, Charles, Holger L. Kern, and David A. Siegel. 2020. "Cults of personality, preference falsification, and the dictator's dilemma." Journal of Theoretical Politics 32 (3): 409-434.
Crabtree, Charles and Holger L. Kern. 2018. "Using electromagnetic signal propagation models for radio and television broadcasts: An introduction." Political Analysis 26 (3): 348-355.
Crabtree, Charles, Holger L. Kern, and Steven Pfaff. 2018. "Mass media and the diffusion of collective action in authoritarian regimes: The June 1953 East German uprising." International Studies Quarterly 62 (2): 301-314.
Coppock, Alex, Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green, and Holger L. Kern. 2017. "Combining double sampling and bounds to address non-ignorable missing outcomes in randomized experiments." Political Analysis 25 (2): 188-206.
Kern, Holger L., Elizabeth A. Stuart, Jennifer Hill, and Donald P. Green. 2016. "Assessing methods for generalizing experimental impact estimates to target samples." Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 9 (1): 103-127.
Crabtree, Charles, David Darmofal, and Holger L. Kern. 2015. "A spatial analysis of the impact of West German television on protest mobilization during the East German revolution." Journal of Peace Research 52 (3): 269-284.
Green, Donald P. and Holger L. Kern. 2012. "Modeling heterogeneous treatment effects in survey experiments with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees." Public Opinion Quarterly 76 (3): 491-511.
Kern, Holger Lutz. 2011. "Foreign media and protest diffusion in authoritarian regimes: The case of the 1989 East German revolution." Comparative Political Studies 44 (9): 1179-1205.
Gerber, Alan, Donald Green, Edward H. Kaplan, and Holger L. Kern. 2010. "Baseline, placebo, and treatment: Efficient estimation for three-group experiments." Political Analysis 18 (3): 297-315.
Green, Donald P., Terence Y. Leong, Holger L. Kern, Alan S. Gerber, and Christopher W. Larimer. 2009. "Testing the accuracy of regression discontinuity analysis using experimental benchmarks." Political Analysis 17 (4): 400-417.
Kern, Holger Lutz and Jens Hainmueller. 2009. "Opium for the masses: How foreign media can stabilize authoritarian regimes." Political Analysis 17 (4): 377-399.
Hainmueller, Jens and Holger Lutz Kern. 2008. "Incumbency as a source of spillover effects in mixed electoral systems: Evidence from a regression-discontinuity design." Electoral Studies 27 (2): 213-227.
Kern, Holger Lutz and Jens Hainmueller. 2006. "Electoral balancing, divided government and `midterm' loss in German elections." Journal of Legislative Studies 12 (2): 127-49.
Kern, Holger Lutz. 2004. "Strategies of legal change: Great Britain, international law, and the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade." Journal of the History of International Law 6 (2): 233-258.